Riserva Naturale Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi - Riserve naturali e oasi | Mazara Valley
Mazara Valley
Via del Carmine 91026 Mazara del Vallo (Tp), Sicilia Italia
Tel: +39 333 619 2021

Riserva Naturale Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi. Mazara del Vallo. Mazara Valley - Official Tourism Website

Home Experiences Natural reserves Riserva Naturale Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi
Natural reserves

Riserva Naturale Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi

The area, however, since 1981 has been subject to protection as natural beauty of the territory of Mazara del Vallo by Decree of the Regional Councillor for Cultural and Environmental Heritage. The nature reserve is a strip of land from Mazara del Vallo to Torretta Granitola, almost in parallel with the coast about 1 km from the sea. In all they are 335.62 ha, of which 107.5 ha fall in Zone A and 228 ha in Zone B of prereserve.

The external delimitation of the area, traced by the Institutional Decree on I.G.M. Cartography in scale, 1:25,000, can easily be found in physical limits (roadway and railroad tracks) in almost the entire perimeter. In Zone A, according to the Regulations on Uses and Prohibitions in force in the area, the activities of use, times and methods of access must be regulated by the Managing Body, which is also responsible for authorising scientific research activities.

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Address Strada Provinciale 66, Mazara del Vallo

Phone +39 0923 934055

Website www.wwfpreola.it



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