Riserva Naturale dello Stagnone - Riserve naturali e oasi | Mazara Valley
Mazara Valley
Via del Carmine 91026 Mazara del Vallo (Tp), Sicilia Italia
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Riserva Naturale dello Stagnone. Mazara del Vallo. Mazara Valley - Official Tourism Website

Home Experiences Natural reserves Riserva Naturale dello Stagnone
Natural reserves

Riserva Naturale dello Stagnone

The Reserve includes the entire lagoon bordered by the open sea from the island Grande or Longa, with three small islands in its interior, Mozia, Santa Maria and Schola. It is the largest lagoon in Sicily and presents an environment of enormous naturalistic interest and great scenic beauty. The management is entrusted to the Free Municipal Consortium of Trapani (former Regional Province of Trapani). The salt pans, still in activity, are conducted with traditional methods. The strongly brackish environment is the kingdom of the Chenopodiaceae: along the banks of the salt pans and in the temporary brackish marshes this family of phanerogamous plants shows its wealth of halophytic species belonging to numerous genera (Salicornia, Arthrocnemum, Halopeplis, Halocnemum, Suaeda, Salsola, Atriplex, Halimione). Remarkable the presence within the borders of the Reserve of several rare plant species, included among those most vulnerable to the risk of extinction in the "Red Book of Italian Plants": Halocnemum strobilaceum, Halopeplis amplexicaulis, Aeluropus lagopoides, Limoniastrum monopetalum, Limonium ferulaceum, Calendula maritima.

The ornithofauna is also varied and in particular the migratory one which includes among others: pinecones, little egrets, herons, royal pittimae, bigiarelle, wild ducks; among the nesting birds there are the serin, the calandra, the goldfinch, the cappellaccia. Finally, the prairies of posidonia are splendid and cover a good part of the lagoon seabed, whose warm and shallow waters are the ideal habitat for a very rich fish fauna. About 3 km north of the historic landing stage, in the district of Birgi Nivaloro, the ancient road connection with the island of Mozia, the so-called "Punic road", begins below water level. In the coastal area there are several schools of windsurfing, kitesurfing, canoeing and sailing, which are a strong attraction for youth sports tourism. In the waters of the Stagnone there are also fishing tourism activities.

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Address Isole dello Stagnone, Marsala



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